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                LOCATION:HOME> News> Exhibition News

                Visit Jinxing Group at HEIE on March 25 - 27, 2024 in Beijing

                Pubdate:2024-03-01 09:54 Source:HEIE Click:

                Sichuan Jinxing Clean Energy Equipment Group Co., Ltd.  (Jinxing Group) will attend the 2024 Beijing International Hydrogen Technology & Equipment Exhibition (HEIE) at NCIEC, Beijing on March 25-27, 2024, Booth: W3510.

                Jinxing Group specializes in the design, manufacturing, and sales of complete sets of equipment for the purification, liquefaction, and terminal application of natural gas and shale gas after extraction. It is also involved in the design, manufacturing, and sales of complete sets of equipment for hydrogen production and hydrogenation stations in the hydrogen energy industry. The company has developed two major product series in the clean energy equipment industry and hydrogen equipment industry.

                The company is recognized as a National Certified Enterprise Technology Center, a Key High-Tech Enterprise under the National Torch Program, a National Key Specialized and New 'Little Giant' Enterprise, a member unit of the National Bureau of Quality Inspection and the National Compressor Standardization Technical Committee. It is also a vice chairman unit of the Compressor Branch of the China General Machinery Industry Association. Additionally, it has been honored with the China's Most Influential Enterprise Value Model Award in the New Energy Industry.

                Main Products

                Diaphragm Compressor

                This type has a wide range of applications, with a maximum capacity of up to 1000Nm2/h and a maximum discharge pressure of up to 90MPa. The quality of wearing parts such as diaphragm are reliable and their service life is long, reaching the international advanced level. The compressor is equipped with automatic detection and control system;the compressor also has leakage detection system consisted of pressure switches, pressure gauges, relief valves, and manual vent valves;With integrated skid-mounted structure, the installation, welding, and inspection process of on-site process pipelines are simplified, saving installation time, reducing installation costs and auxiliary system volume, facilitating transportation, and reducing land occupation. By combining PLC control cabinet, pressure and temperature detection system, station control system, and billing system, intelligent operation of one key boosting and one key hydrogenation can be achieved.

                Skid-Mounted High Speed Compressor Unit

                This unit is a widely used medium and high speed high-power compressor, which can be widely used in fields such as petroleum, natural gas, chemical, mining, and gas storage. It can compress various gases such as natural gas, hydrogen, nitrogen, air, nitrogen hydrogen, LNG refrigerant, coke oven gas, carbon dioxide, etc.

                It has the advantages of high speed, large tonnage, precise balancing, high wearing resistance, longer service life of wearing parts, lower vibrations, efficient lubrication system, more efficient vessel design, more reasonable skid design, excellent reliability, simple operation, and convenient maintenance.

                Applications Scenarios

                The First Hydrogen Refilling Station in Southwest China

                The First 250Nm3h Skid-Mounted Natural Gas Hydrogen Generating Equipment in China

                National Key Project: Petrochina’s High Speed Skid Mounted Compressor Unit for the General Application of Natural Gas

                Yamei Mabi Project Skid-Mounted High Speed Compressor Unit

                Find more: www.scjinxing.com

                Contact: jxyx@scjinxing.com

                Look forward to greeting you at cippe2024 in Beijing.